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Stoddarts Fuels are suppliers of Solid Fuel throughout Cumbria and The Scottish Borders.

We are very proud of the service we offer our customers. We like to feel that each customer has their individual fuel needs catered for and we will endeavour to ensure our customers have the fuel they need when they need it.

Our customers appreciate the service we give and this has allowed us to grow and expand offering dependable, regular deliveries throughout the area at a price that is right.

The pride we have in our business goes further a field with our prize winning truck fleet. You will often see the Stoddart Family at many truck shows. 

an e-truck website                         Stoddart Fuels, Brookside, Farlam Hall, Brampton, Cumbria CA8 2HG 016977 46335

Stoddarts Trucks can be seen at Peak Truck Shows, Barnard Castle and many show across the UK.